Thursday, August 19, 2010

Jim Caviezel

Let He who is without sin knit the first sweater:

Rand Paul

An evil black turtleneck, just like:

Has the conspiracy really been going on this long? Is it too late to stop it?

Bill Kristol

Hey there handsome, you're really drawing me in with that winning smile -- too bad that jacket is a clear giveaway you intend on offering my intestines to the demon prince Baal.

Bob Bennett

Utah's Bob Bennett is not evil, but rather sensitive, and tweedy:

No, wait, that's the wrong Bob Bennett:

Sorry for any supernatural injury that might have befallen you for believing for even a moment that Bob Bennett would not envelop you in his blackness if given even a moment's opportunity. Bob Bennett, consider your defeat vindicated. Evil.

Strom Thurmond and Strom Thurmond's Friend

What are you pointing at, Strom Thurmond? The approaching Dark One, who your professionally tailored suit has unleashed on the Earth?

Or are you pointing at your partner-in-black Lindsey Graham, who is "coincidentally" pointing right back at you?
To the Judas-iary Committee with you, Lindsey Graham. Evil.

Jerry Glanville

Is not evil! He is actually drawing evil to him with his shirt and pants, then exposing it to the light of God with his colorful belt buckle. Jerry Glanville is one of Jesus' very special heroes.

Mike Krzyzewski

Don't let his right-leaning quips about President Obama's poor handling of the economy fool you. Coack K is no Blue Devil, he is a Black Devil!


Rick Lazio

Is the harm you have inflicted with your black suit not enough, Enrico Anthony "Rick" Lazio? Must you also terrorize innocent wearers of not-black colors with your black car? As clearly as your exotic name proves you are a member of the Italian Anarchist party, you are molto Evil, Rick Lazio. Molto Evil.

Tom DeLay

Tom DeLay. Not only is he wearing black, he spells his last name in a French manner, just like the most evil man in the history of the world: 

Tom DeLay: le plus EVIL.

Antonin Scalia

Antonin Scalia is wearing black. EVIL.

Then again, the color black was picked by the Supreme Court by activist judges. Antonin Scalia would never wear black unless forced to by those who believe government is god.

Nevermind. This is Antonin Scalia in a suit clearly picked out by himself, or his personal shopper,  who as his direct representative implicates Scalia in any and all actions perpetrated by him. Antonin Scalia, EVIL.

Bill Roberts

Bill Roberts wrote the story about Sharron Angle's courageous fight against the evil color, black. Bill is wearing black, and he wrote the story about Sharron Angle's courageous fight against the evil color, black. Bill Roberts is Evil.